SEND Statement
At Willaston, we pride ourselves on the inclusive ethos and community feel of our school. Our pupils are positive, encouraging and supportive of each other and are united in their love of learning and respect of differences. All staff are committed to ensuring every pupil, irrespective of need, achieves their full potential through up-to-date training, effective liaison between school staff, outside professionals and parents and knowing our children inside out!
At Willaston Primary Academy we currently have 4.1% of children with an EHCP, 16% on the special educational needs and disability register (SEND register). Needs range from specific educational and learning difficulties to social and emotional needs.
We have a graduated response to identifying and supporting needs within school which begins with quality first teaching strategies in class. Early concerns from parents, school or both are recorded on a discussion form and initial strategies to support the child are recorded and monitored. This then develops into small group targeted support and specific interventions such as Precision Teaching, specific Maths interventions eg Numberstacks, 1:1 RWI Phonics, Dyslexia interventions eg SNIP, Nurture eg Drawing and Talking and ELSA, Wellcom, Rapid Reading, Motor Skills United and Early Literacy Support. If a child continues to need additional support, a child may be placed on the SEND register and receive support that is different from or in addition to the school curriculum. Further to this, outside agencies are brought in if required, such as Speech and Language therapy, Cheshire East Autism Team (CEAT) or the Educational Psychologist to give advice and to complete assessments. We will ensure that parents are involved with this process and are kept up to date with any advice given.
We have a small number of children whose needs require an Education, Health and Care Plan. These children have a more formal plan of support which is reviewed yearly. Children without an EHC Plan have Support Plans which are reviewed termly in partnership with pupils, parents and staff.
Special Educational Needs at Willaston Primary Academy
Within our school, the SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) is Mrs Bradbury-Smith. She is responsible for co-ordinating all the support for children with special educational needs (SEN) and or disabilities, and developing the school’s Special Educational Needs and disability (SEND) Policy to make sure all children get a consistent, high quality response to meeting their needs.
If you would like to arrange a meeting with Mrs Bradbury-Smith to discuss your child’s needs please contact the office to ask for a meeting with the SENCO. She will then contact you to arrange a mutually convenient time.
The progress of pupils with special educational needs is tracked and reviewed closely and where necessary, smaller steps such as PIVATS, Sandwell Maths are used to track progress for individuals.
We are a member of the Chancery Trust and the Nantwich Education Partnership. Our SEND coordinator regularly attends a local cluster group of SENCos to keep abreast of current developments and to gain valuable mutual support. There are also close links with the Educational Psychologist, CEAT (Cheshire East Autism Team), Speech & Language, Emotionally Healthy Children and Young People Team, Springfields, Sensory OT, CAMHS Link Team, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy.
We have an excellent team of experienced teaching assistants who work with small groups and 1:1 with the children who have support plans. Training is provided to all members of staff for example recent training received has included girls with ASD, social stories, Dyslexia, Makaton, Speech and Language, Boxall Profile, ELSA, sensory support and emotionally healthy schools.
It is key that pupils' needs are identified early and this process is secure in our nursery setting - Little Acorns. We work closely with the Early Years team at Cheshire East to ensure the best support for our children in nursery (as well as their parents) and in their transition to Reception. We have close links to our feeder high schools ensuring transition is good, with extended transition in place if needed.
Please see the SEND policy below for further information about how the graduated response to needs is carried out and other useful information. The policy has recently been revised due to changes in SEND policy over Cheshire East. Also below is the School information document which provides more information about the provision at Willaston Academy and may answer any questions which you may have.
To get more information, support and advice please contact the CEIAS team for parents and carers